PROTOTYPE MAHA 2037 (7’22’’)​
SEGPA* Year 7 students from the Collège Pilâtre de Rozier, Paris, 11th arrondissement, with Marie Heyse.
*Adapted General and Vocational Education Department
A group of students come across a strange machine under the school staircase. They secretly decide to hide it in an attempt to get it to work. It then begins to talk and asks them questions about what they think the future holds. The students decide to trust the machine and share their hopes and dreams.
This film was realised by SEGPA Year 7 students from the Collège Pilâtre de Rozier in the 11th arrondissement of Paris: Alphousseyni AIDARA, Massilas CHERFI, Ayoub FALLAH, Awa FOFANA, Cheickina FOMBA SINIBE, Ayoub HARES, Souleymane MEITE, Hawa SANOGO, Ibrahim SANOGO, Moussa SISSOKO, Mouhamadou TANDIAM, Saifeddine TEBIB, with artist and film director Marie Heyse, and teachers Marie Brignole and Sophie Dubreuil.
A creation carried out as part of the "Culture(s) de demain" program.
"Culture(s) de demain" is a project initiated and funded by the ADAGP, implemented by LE BAL/La Fabrique du Regard and La Source.

Workshop led by Marie Heyse with SEGPA Year 7 students from the Collège Pilâtre de Rozier, Paris, 11th arrondissement © Matthieu Samadet