Year 11 students (vocational training in vehicle maintenance) from the Lycée Gaspard Monge, Savigny-sur-Orge (78), with Hugo Deverchère.
How can one go further than what one can see to discover the world?
What we see defines our relationship with the world. Yet, our environment can appear very different if we observe it with tools which challenges the human eye.
Technology can reveal and portray layers of reality that ordinarily elude us, if they even exist at all.
Our high school is bordered by a river to the south, past which is a park. This park is an open invitation to daydream, looking out of the classroom windows during a lecture. We turned it into our exploration ground.
Armed with a variety of photography, photogrammetry and infrared imaging tools, we inventoried the plant and mineral forms collected during our humble expedition. Once modelled and revealed in a whole new light, or more accurately in a different invisible light, these forms were assembled to form an image.
Using the cyanotype, an old printing process, we materialised this image. It has become a dreamed landscape: Proxima-tropicalis.
This publication was realised by Year 11 students from the Lycée Gaspard Monge in Savigny-sur-Orge (78): Mimoun ALLAL, Matisse BEQUET, Tibo BESNARD-GROSSHOLTZ, Tiyan BONNIN, Michel CAMPOS, Wael DHAOU, Raul DIAS MATOS, Erwann LE CORGNE, Enzo LEQUEUX-PASQUET, Sullivan MENON, Omar OUIHRANY, Lucas PIERPONT, Léandro SALGADO, Diogo SANTOS GOMES, Matéo TIMON AUVERLOT, Moussa TOURE, Kaël VERDIGLIONE, with artist-videographer Hugo Deverchère and Literature / History-Geography teacher Dominique Kerzanet.
Graphic design: whitepaperstudio - Geoffrey Saint Martin.
A creation carried out as part of the "Mon Œil !" program.
The students voice their opinion on their project:

Workshop led by Hugo Deverchère with Year 11 students from the Lycée Gaspard Monge in Savigny-sur-Orge (78) © Matthieu Samadet